Post by annachan on Mar 19, 2007 22:20:10 GMT
NIIHAOmy name is niihao i was born a stud my genetics made me ebon i have no gem nor bracelet my earring is aqua and on my left ear my eye color is light blue
i was born into the koe clan, my parents descendants of ivory beings. my mother was a reject, as she had turned out ebon, like myself. she and my father mated, resulting in their only pup, me. they are now deceased, but i am being raised by foster beings, which treat me decently. i have wandered off on my own in search of some meaning to my life. all i possess is a title, which is not enough for me. TSUKIKOmy name is tsukiko i was born a dame my genetics made me crimson & ivory i have a black gem and no bracelet my earring is black and on my right ear my eye color is brown
i was born into the koe clan as well, my parents ivory and crimson. my father was the reject, as he turned out crimson. my mother was a pearly ivory. they are also know deceased, but i am a strong being. i am wandering with niihao, my best friend. all i possess is a black gem and nothing else.
ps. don't mind my first person thing. just easier to write this way. =]
Post by kiyo on Mar 19, 2007 23:26:40 GMT
hehehe ^^ s'fine, I like it when people write that way! They're both adorable, but I especially love Niihao X3 Welcome to SoTM!